Section 3 - Exercise Videos

Exercise #1 – Hip Flexors

Exercise #1 - Workout Summary
The video shown above demonstrates how to perform this exercise one time with the right leg and one time with the left. The final hold position for the right leg is shown in Figure 3-1a below. This position is held for 10-15 seconds using between 70-80% of your maximum strength. The same is then performed with your left leg as shown in Figure 3-1b below.
Repeat this process one more time giving you a total of two 'reps' for the right leg and two 'reps' for the left leg as shown below:
Training Schedule: The Progress Chart and Weekly Training Schedule located in Section 5 (the Appendix) will guide you through all the exercises and allow you to chart your progress along the way.
Training Tips:
  1. The exercises demonstrated in this program are meant to be physically challenging so if you find that your initial attempt with an exercise is too easy, you can either take an extra step away from the pole to further stretch the band, use a band with a higher resistance level, or use two or more bands at the same time. Remember, holding the final position for these exercises using 70-80% of your maximum strength is a significant amount of effort to exert over a 10-15 second period of time before wanting to take a rest.
  2. It doesn’t matter what time of day you exercise however, your body will respond best if you choose the same time each day to train.
  3. Isometric exercises are to be done with normal breathing. Do not hold your breath during the exercises because this may cause a sudden increase in blood pressure and/or light-headedness.
  4. Use a watch or clock with a clearly visible second hand so that you can accurately time your isometric exercises.

Muscles Used: Hip Flexors.

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