Section 2 - Instructions

How To Get The Most From This Program


Below are several tips on how to get the most from this program. Review them as often as
necessary as each of these tips holds a key to your success.

Tip #1. Perform approximately five minutes of light stretching before starting these exercises.

Tip #2. Use a watch or clock with a clearly visible second hand, so that you can accurately time your isometric exercises.

Tip #3. The final position for each exercise should be held for 10-15 seconds. The amount of effort you should be exerting during this time should be between 70-80% of your maximum

Tip #4. Isometric exercises are to be done with normal breathing. Do not hold your breath during the exercises because this may cause a sudden increase in blood pressure and/or light-headedness.

Tip #5. If you experience any abnormal discomfort during these exercises, ease off just a little bit. If the discomfort persists, consult with your physician before continuing.

Tip #6. Perform each exercise according to the Training Routine found in the appendix.

Tip #7. It doesn’t matter what time of day you exercise however, your body will respond best if you choose the same time each day to train.

Tip #8. Pay close attention to the way your body position is shown for each exercise, because correct positioning is needed to isolate specific muscle groups.

Tip #9. Periodically check your resistance bands for any wear and tear. Replace them when necessary to prevent them from breaking during an exercise.

Tip #10. To reduce the resistance for a given exercise, create a longer loop with your band, use bands with less resistance and/or position yourself closer to where the band is attached.
Positioning yourself closer means the band will not be stretched as much thereby reducing the resistance.

Tip #11. To increase the resistance for a given exercise, use two bands together, use bands with more resistance and/or position yourself further away from where the bands are attached.
Positioning yourself further away will cause the bands to stretch a little more adding to their resistance.

Tip #12. Always train within the physical limits of the band. What this means is, no matter how much effort you are exerting for a given exercise, the exercise band should still be capable of stretching a little further. If the band is stretched to its maximum, you will essentially turn the band into a static rope or cable, incapable of returning any hyper-elastic force back. This greatly reduces its effectiveness. If this situation ever occurs, see Tip #11 on how to rectify it.

Tip #13. The exercises demonstrated in this program are meant to be physically difficult. If you find that your initial attempt with an exercise is too easy, you should either add another resiatance band to the exercise, use a stronger band and/or reposition your self further away from your band attachment to stretch the bands. Remember, holding the final position for these exercises using 70-80% of your maximum strength is a significant amount of effort to exert over a 10-15 second period of time before wanting to take a rest.

Tip #14.Gym eqipment provides safe and effective places to attach your bands since they are realatively immovable and do not typically possess any rough or sharp edges that may accidentally cut you band. If you have access to such equipment it is suggeted that you use it.

Tip #15. If you have a game scheduled and have been actively performing most, if not all, of the exercises in this program for at least two consecutive weeks prior to competition you may want to allow yourself two full days of rest from these exercises before the competition.

FIRST IMPORTANT NOTICE. Consult with your physician before beginning this exercise program.

SECOND IMPORTANT NOTICE. Muscles listed underneath each exercise are considered the primary muscles involved for that exercise. Other secondary muscles may be involved but not listed.

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