“How To Improve Your Athletic Performance and Become a Better Player in Days; Not Weeks or Months – by Making Your Muscles Faster!” Having fast muscles is not the same as having strong muscles and you can not get faster contracting muscles by training for strength using traditional weight training routines – in fact that […]
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1 of 3: Get Faster Running Starts! Power Phase of Running Improves Sprint Speed
Faster running starts begin with strong hip extensor muscles, mainly your glutes and hamstrings. They help power the running motion with a strong pushing force caused when the thigh is extended behind the hip. The knee extends and the ankle plantar-flexes. It is a pushing motion because the force created by the leg on the […]
2 of 3 – Increase Stride & Turnover Rate: Swing Phase of the Running Motion
The best way to increase your running stride and turnover rate is to develop strong hip flexor muscles. These are powerful and long muscles in the front side of your pelvic region. The main function is to flex the thigh up on the pelvis seen in Figure 1. They are capable of generating enormous thrust […]
3 of 3 – Sprint Faster by Increasing Turnover Rate: The Pull Phase of the Running Motion
If you are looking to sprint faster and increase your turnover rate, then you will need to start exercising your hip extensors to push and pull you forward during the running motion. Your thigh’s position in relation to the hip joint determines if these muscles push or pull. If the thigh is in back, behind […]
Isometric Training Exercises Using Resistance Bands and Weights
Isometric training is a form of exercise where your muscles don’t move while contracting. It is not a very popular training method for most athletes these days, such as those that require concentric contractions (shortening of the muscles under tension; think biceps curl) and eccentric contractions (lengthening of the muscles under tension; think quadriceps during […]
Use Resistance Bands for Faster Running Speed
To get faster running speed, start using resistance bands with an isometric training strategy. Attaching the resistance band. A lot of the exercises that people use resistance bands for require you to attach your bands around an immovable object such as a pole. See Figure 1 below. Figure 1. When it is time for you […]
Possibly The Most Effective Speed Training Exercise… Ever!
If you are looking for a surefire way to increase your running speed immediately then look no further than the muscles involved in the running motion that pull you forward instead of push you forward. If you haven’t read through the material on the running motion, then now would be a good time to get […]
Improve Running Speed, Stride and Turnover Rate with Hip Flexor Development
Increasing your sprinting speed, running stride and turnover rate often times comes down to how well your hip flexors are developed. These muscles are mainly located in the pelvic region of the body. Their main function is to flex the thigh up on the pelvis seen in our image below. HIP FLEXOR MUSCLES. A.K.A. THIGH […]
Get Faster Running Starts! Train Hip Extensor Muscles: Glutes and Hams
HIP EXTENSOR MUSCLES: GLUTES AND HAMS If you’re an athlete who is always slow to react to the ball or get into good defensive position, then you are probably lacking the necessary strength in your hip extensor muscles for a quick first step. The Hip Extensor muscles are located in the buttocks region of the […]
Strengthen Hip Abductors for Slow Feet. Improve Foot Speed & Lateral Quickness
HIP ABDUCTORS If you are an athlete with slow feet and have trouble getting into dominant athletic position, then weak hip abductors just might be the problem. The hip abductor muscles are located in the buttocks region of the body and lateral hip. There are four primary muscles in this region and their names are […]