Dear Athlete,
Did you know that your body produces 5 torques, or rotational forces, around your spinal column when you run? Most athletes usually only think of running as a ‘push’ with one leg at a time.
But, your body is way more complex than that! In fact, while your glutes/hams are pushing hard in one leg, the opposite leg is pulling you forward at the exact same time as well!
Plus, both of your arms are also doing their ‘thing’ and believe it or not, your abdominal muscles are getting in to this act.
So if you are ready to finally start maximizing you true running speed potential, then get started right now by watching each of these running speed videos below.
I wish you all the best and look forward to hearing from you!
Dr. Larry Van Such
This post originally appeared here:
Torque #1
Powered by the Glutes/Hams, Quads and Calves. Watch Video.
Torque #2
Powered by the Hip Flexors. Watch Video.
Torques #3 and #4
Powered by the Shoulder Flexors and Extensors. Watch Video.
Torque #5
Powered by the Lateral Spine Rotators. Watch Video.
Summary Torques #1-#5
5 Observations About Running Speed Torque. Watch Video.